Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Woke up today with a sleepy head and an still sleepy

Friday, March 19, 2010


Acceptance of a situation dose note imply passivity or a lack of action. Unless one accepts what is wrong one may never take any step to change the situation. So in order to change one accept the present as is.


Of all the faculty given to man the faculty of expression is the most unique. The expression dose'nt have to be verbal or written. It can also be non verbal such as facial expression of the body language or the emotion conveyed by the eyes. The most accurate one is the nonverbal means of expression as your body never lies unless it has been trained to.

The ability to recognise expressions is an important capacity as it allows an individual to understand his surroundings better and take informed decisions.

My Mind

My mind is the most restless of all creations one moment it is thinking some thing and then another. Not even bothering to finish one thought before it leaps on to another.

At times I wonder how it has managed to stay with me all these years or it has left me a long time ago.

Life is ???

Saturday, March 6, 2010


It is said that history repeats it self. Those who do not learn from it are condemned to repeat it.

The question to ask is, is it repeating itself today? and who is repeating it?