Monday, December 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I know what the little girl must have faced. The inability to learn is nor really understood by the society in general. It thinks the attitude of the child is wrong and irresponsible.

But the child in not at fault. It is the job of the parents and teachers to nurture the child. But how can some one who himself is ignorent of the needs of the child nurture the child.

The empathy needed by the child is missing. We must make the Teachers / Parents understand that if the child has limitations then it must be treated diffrently. Not be punished for them.

Untin that happens we will continue to seen such losses on a regular basis

National hurt

It is the inability to heal the hurt that causes further pain. If you are to heal then you must face up to what caused the hurt in the first place. What this country is busy doing is burying the hurt in layers of lies and rhetoric.

The nation and society must face the hurt and the reasons why it was caused without any intellectual dishonesty. Only then can the society and the nation can even begin to heal.

Till then the buried hurt will keep on festering and we will only be dealing with the symptoms and not the cause it self.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Days without end

The days are no longer grey, there seems to be an openess about a blue sky. The sun is soft. The nights long and yet there is a sense of loss that is all pervading. The loss is tangible and unfuilfilled and overwhelming. Filling the very fiber of my being.

To an extent that I cannot really come up with a way to overcome it. This has more to do with my lack of willingness to take risks. To go out there and do things. What happened that reduced the appetite for taking risks. Why has it diminished. Is it because I fell and am afread to pick my self up again.

Friday, August 20, 2010


The days are dull and the nights are restless. I have lost the will to take risks and am playing very conservatively with life. What may be the reasons for that I dont really know. But the one point that I am certain off is that I am not having any positive or negative thoughts about this life at this moment.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It has been a good day today, was greated with a great news in the morning and the begening of the day was really sweet. With my car being washed by the pre monsoon drizeel I am looking forward to the rest of this wonderful day.