Thursday, June 18, 2009

I do not know what title to give this post. So will just leave it blank............

I have some things to say and some thins to make sense off..

Been here before, as time goes by your ability to deal with things grows. something which was debilitating in the past becomes a walk in the park with age and some times downright funny.

That one reacts like an adolescent or like an old hand is the most amusing aspect of the situation. One time the heart flutters and others one dose not even react to the situation.

When I was younger, I was told that things will get better with time, that my ability to cope with situation will also get better, but i did not believe in the people who told me that. Now I realise that those were wise words.

What am i trying to say? That I have grown up?? DON,T KNOW.....

Monday, June 8, 2009

accidents & stopping

I traveled from Delhi to Jaiur This Morning. I saw 3 accidents including one where a bus hit 2 bikers that had already had an accident. Did not stop to investigate as no one had been hurt. Or at least is did not see someone lying on the road.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The King

"Farewell, Romance!" the Cave-men said;
"With bone well carved he went away,
Flint arms the ignoble arrowhead,
And jasper tips the spear to-day.
Changed are the Gods of Hunt and Dance,
And he with these. Farewell, Romance!"

"Farewell, Romance!" the Lake-folk sighed;
"We lift the weight of flatling years;
The caverns of the mountain-side
Hold him who scorns our hutted piers.
Lost hills whereby we dare not dwell,
Guard ye his rest. Romance, farewell!"

"Farewell, Romance!" the Soldier spoke;
"By sleight of sword we may not win,
But scuffle 'mid uncleanly smoke
Of arquebus and culverin.
Honour is lost, and none may tell
Who paid good blows. Romance, farewell!"

"Farewell, Romance!" the Traders cried;
Our keels ha' lain with every sea;
The dull-returning wind and tide
Heave up the wharf where we would be;
The known and noted breezes swell
Our trudging sail. Romance, farewell!"

"Good-bye, Romance!" the Skipper said;
"He vanished with the coal we burn;
Our dial marks full steam ahead,
Our speed is timed to half a turn.
Sure as the ferried barge we ply
'Twixt port and port. Romance, good-bye!"

"Romance!" the season-tickets mourn,
"He never ran to catch his train,
But passed with coach and guard and horn --
And left the local -- late again!"
Confound Romance! . . . And all unseen
Romance brought up the nine-fifteen.

His hand was on the lever laid,
His oil-can soothed the worrying cranks,
His whistle waked the snowbound grade,
His fog-horn cut the reeking Banks;
By dock and deep and mine and mill
The Boy-god reckless laboured still!

Robed, crowned and throned, he wove his spell,
Where heart-blood beat or hearth-smoke curled,
With unconsidered miracle,
Hedged in a backward-gazing world;
Then taught his chosen bard to say:
"Our King was with us -- yesterday!"

Rudyard Kipling

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Why am I cribbing so much, is it because I am at the end of my tether and have been away for almost 2 months or I feel alone amongst people who don't interest me.

exiled, buried, relegated, forgotten, betrayed, burned, misunderstood,cremated

I can say to every one that love being alone and dont need company. But in my heart of hearts I know that I am very much alone and I need company. People with whom I can relate to and identify with.