Thursday, January 31, 2008

Delhi A City Rivived

I started this post a long time ago. Only now have dicieded to finish it. The purpose was to remark the changes that are taking place in a city I have lived in for the past 22 years. Of which slightly less than 17 have been spent in Lodhi Colony.

The past 10 years have been remarkable in the tranceformation of the city. The transformation is taking place primarly in the civic infrastructure of the city It all started with the judgement of the Delhi Court directing that, all the publice transport vehicles in tehsity must be run on CNG (From Buses to Autos). Followed by the Delhi Metro. Today, the defunct DTC has been revived and it has beed done through the introduction of low floor busses both AC and non AC on key routs.

All this is helping towords turning the city into a better place to live.

One hopes that the momentum of this transformation is not lost. Along tith a hope that the same process will be repeated in other cities on the country.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The strength to go on when one just dose not know defines ones character. It is especially true in times of crises as you are being tested from all sides and salvation seems a long way off. The ability hold on to ones dreams the ability to endure the difficulty. The willingness to take a chance , courage to take the initiative to make a desired change. is what defines character.

It is not only the strength to go on but also the strength to ask for guidance during moments of confusion. The ability to apologise for a mistake. The willingness to go on when all others have quit.

It is easy to go with the flow without thinking. But it is important to be able to think for one self. and take a stand in life.

This is what defines character.


Hello World,

This is my welcome message to you. I hope that you are in good sprits.
