Thursday, June 18, 2009

I do not know what title to give this post. So will just leave it blank............

I have some things to say and some thins to make sense off..

Been here before, as time goes by your ability to deal with things grows. something which was debilitating in the past becomes a walk in the park with age and some times downright funny.

That one reacts like an adolescent or like an old hand is the most amusing aspect of the situation. One time the heart flutters and others one dose not even react to the situation.

When I was younger, I was told that things will get better with time, that my ability to cope with situation will also get better, but i did not believe in the people who told me that. Now I realise that those were wise words.

What am i trying to say? That I have grown up?? DON,T KNOW.....

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