Saturday, May 30, 2009


I seeked it when I was surrounded by family and friends. Now that I am immersed in it I seek the company of family and friends to be with me.

the day that was yesterday

I asked her out for a coffee, she refused. Asked me about why I left my old job, but did not understand my reason. or what i was saying to her. was warm and grew cold at the same time. but speaking to her one thing was clear the she had grown tremendously over the last one month.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

time spent here

It has been a little over 6 months in my current assignment. What have I accomplished?? is a question that I am beginning to ask my self. Comparisons with my old positions that I have held are inevitable but are not really accurate as the job that I am doing has no comparison with what I have done before. As the quality of work is substantially different as compared to what I have been doing before. The requirement is not to take an instant decision regarding the admissibility of a claim or fighting a fire. But rather it is to make sure that the work done is perfect in the first go. That no repeats are to be done and the the decision made is not unilateral but in consultation with rest of the team. The quantity or work done over the last 6 months is less then the work I would do in one week. But the quality and the quantity of learning required to do that work that I am required to do is some thing that I am still in the process of acquiring.

The scale no longer is about 6 months of work. As I had initially anticipated. But rather of a life time as some one told me here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pretty Maids All In A Row

Hi there,
How are 'ya?
it's been a long time
Seem like we've come along way
My, but we learn so slow
and heroes, they come
and they go
and leave us behind as if
we're s'pposed to know why
oh tell me why
Why do we give up our hearts to the past
and why must we grow up so fast?

And all you wishing well fools
with your fortunes
someone should send you a rose with
love from a friend,
it's nice to hear from you
And the storybook comes to a close
Gone are the ribbons and bows
Things to remember places to go
Pretty Maids all in a Row
All in a row


Wasted Time

Well baby, there you stand
With your little head, down in your hand
Oh, my God, you can't believe it's happening
Your baby's gone, and you're all alone
and it looks like the end.

And you're back out on the street.
And you're tryin' to remember.
How will you start it over?
You don't know if you can.
You don't care much for a stranger's touch,
But you can't hold your man.

You never thought you'd be alone this far
down the line
And I know what's been on your mind
You're afraid it's all been wasted time

The autumn leaves have got you thinking
about the first time that you fell
You didn't love the boy too much, no, no
you just loved the boy to well, Farewell
So you live from day to day, and you dream
about tomorrow, oh.
And the hours go by like minutes
and the shadows come to stay
So you take a little something to
make them go away
And I could have done so many things, baby
If I could only stop my mind from wondrin' what
I left behind and from worrying 'bout this wasted time

Ooh, another love has come and gone
Ooh, and the years keep rushing on
I remember what you told me before you went out on your own:
"Sometimes to keep it together, we got to leave it alone."
So you can get on with your search, baby, and I can
get on with mine
And maybe someday we will find , that it wasn't really
wasted time
Oh hoo, ooh, ohh,
Ooh,ooh, mm

Monday, May 18, 2009


Yesterday, was the most difficult examination i faced. Of the eight questions that i had to wright i could finish only 3. The quality of work left a lot to be desired. I wish I was able to give more time and was able to memorise more which I just could not do.

Add to it the heat and the humidity of the month of may made my life miserable.

On Love

It is one of the most beautiful reasons for a person to live. A look of tenderness from some one you love is something that is to be cherished. At the same time not being able to see the face of that person has to be the most desolate experiences of life.